
Fuckity Fuckin' Fuck!!!

Dan Savage is right, now we have to come up with another definition for 'Rick', too, because re-defining 'Santorum' to mean "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex" was clearly not enough. Here is Dan Savage's video appeal to Santorum to stop attacking gays.


Santorum also needs to stop attacking science...


Um, Rick, you just tried to prove you are not anti-science by saying you can believe in certain theories like 'evolution' and 'global warming' or you can believe in God. Like 'evolution' is not really substantiated in the fossil record. Oh yeah, some heathen with an overactive imagination just made that shit up. And Global warming? What are you thinking? 'Naw, that's just God fucking with our weather patterns. It's a mystery!' I don't know, is it just me or does that sound like the complete opposite of your 'loving God'?

How can you seriously be anti-science? That's like saying you are anti-air, or anti-truth, or anti-logic, or...oh, rrrright, you are all those things. Science, people, the thing that gave us the cure for the Bubonic Plague. That figured out what radioactive isotopes were and the rate of their decay. That invented the Atomic Bomb that enabled us to defeat EVERYFUCKINGBODY in the world back in the '40's. That stopped Polio and Measles and Syphillis...that discovered combustion and flight and computers.

SANTORUM: SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. I just posted on Facebook: "This dude is apparently pathologically incapable of not having idiotic statements flow out of his gaping maw every. single. time. he opens it." This is quite possibly the nicest thing anyone with functioning gray matter can say about this self-righteous and colossally moronic fuck-tard. Wait. That was harsh. I apologize, fuck-tards.

But wait, there's more!

Here's another G.O.P. genius named Rick: Rick Perry. Another reason to redefine that name, too.


Alcoholism and addiction are a disease. Homosexuality is not. If he's going to now try to alienate both gays AND alcoholics, I'm afraid there might not be anyone left to vote for him. What's next Rick? I'm all ears!

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